Monday, August 26, 2013

Life, as it is..!!

       Hey all, it's been a long time since I have been here on blogger. I couldn't make up much time as I am working. Anyways, I, therefore, thought to resume my avocations. You know why,right? Just following my passion for writing, playing guitar, reading books.
       Whenever I do these things, I feel contented. I get good sleep at night. To be honest enough, the best of my friends don't know that I love living this way. "High five!", for those who are of the same club. After this long respite,I seriously don't know, why I am sharing personal stuff of mine over here now. I am just following my heart.
        I wanted to be rich. Infact,real rich, did u understand? My heart always says this to me. Most of us think to achieve certain goals in our life and we try and hope for the same too. For some, the goals are just formed by the natural propensity they have on some things in life or based on interests they have or by the way she/he has been guided by his/her parents. But, for some, circumstances form them. I belong to the latter. 
       I remember, very well infact, I used to go  to houses of aunts and uncles to get a loan of Rs. 10. The worst part of this is, it was actually not me, but we i.e; me along with momma. With that Rs.10, my momma used to buy rice,oil and whatever needed to cook a meal for the day. 
      I remember, the struggle my momma had taken to grow me up good. (The paragraph just describes it) My parents have done all their bit for me. They are old now, they are tired and weak. And I am doing a job in a software company, which is totally not for me. I am being indifferent when someone asks me what do I do? It is okay, that I have a job, I earn good sums, but somewhere deep down my heart says you don't belong here, you are different, your passions are different. I know my passions, but they don't give instant money for me to settle down in life very early as this job can.
       I don't like what I am doing but I am confident and I have the courage to change the course of my life, so that I will be rich. I wanted to be rich, only for two reasons
1) I don't want my parents to struggle more doing their jobs till they get retired. 
2) I don't want my son to face the problems that I had faced.
 I don't really mind the reader who thinks that am being foolish. Never mind random reader, you never walked in my shoes...!!!
       Sorry for being dramatic, I felt like venting out some stuff of mine and please note that I am not fond of money, I value love more than it. You must confess,as I have, that money has been playing a major role in individuals' lives these days.


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