Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Petrol price affect on common man

This is a story formed based on the present scenario in India. The story written below is purely fictional.
        A popular news channel reporter has witnessed a situation and the story explained by the news channel is as follows.
       --One of our press reporters had visualised it live and stood by a tree side and recorded the whole audio conversation. It goes like this. Mr. Rao was driving down to his office.  He was only 15 minutes away from his office and suddenly he found two persons, one wearing red and the other green mask on their faces asking for a lift.

They acted on the road as if one of them was suffering with some excruciating pain. Mr. Rao being a kind person, thought of helping them and stopped the car. As soon as he stopped the car, the persons with masks on their faces took their guns out and pointed them towards him.
        Mr. Rao, inquired, “why u guys stopped the car?” and said, “there is a hospital nearby, I will drop you by and leave, get in.” Both of them laughed out and the one with red mask said, “ C’mon buddy, there is no patient here and no one needs your bloody car, we just need the precious part i.e.; the tank part of your car.”  Mr. Rao asked, “ You mean, petrol? “ The person with green mask replied, “haa...yes, the precious thing in India, we just need it..!!”
       Mr. Rao was astonished and said, “No way, I bought it by applying personal Loan in a bank..Anyways, Let me go, I am already late for the office..” The person with green mask put his gun at point blank of Mr. Rao and said, “ Give ur petrol tank keys to my friend.”
       Mr. Rao said, “ This is holy shit, you cannot a kill a person for this...” Red mask person replied, “ we have got  lot of loans to clear, get your head down and hand over the keys of your petrol tank, NOW..!!”

      Mr. Rao said, “Hey come on you want petrol right put your gun down send your friend with me I   will drop him to nearest petrol pump.” Red mask person said, “ Stop kidding or else, you will have your smarty brains out...Hmmm want to take him to police station? "
     Green mask person to Red mask person, “Let’s not waste time snatch the keys and take the petrol.”
      Mr. Rao replied, “For god's sake please don’t take petrol I will give you as much money as you want.” Red mask person said, “ Money? Who cares for it? We want petrol. It’s the only easy way to make petrol during price hike!!..”
     Eventually, our media reporter went for Mr. Rao’s rescue by calling Police, who caught hold of the masked persons. The S.I mentioned that, “ the masked persons were bank employees and took this step in order to solve family problems like taking their wives to market on their scooter and for clearing loans. There are nearly a 100 similar cases noted after the recent petrol hike in the city.”


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