Sunday, June 10, 2012

LinkedIn to beef up security

           6.5 million LinkedIn hashed passwords were stolen and were published on an unauthorized website. Members of the LinkedIn team said that they disabled all infected accounts and didn't believe that other members were at risk. Some cyber-security experts had warned that the company could uncover further data losses over coming days as it tries to figure out what happened. 

        " We want to be as transparent as possible while at the same time preserving the security of our members without jeopardizing the ongoing investigation," it said in a blog post.
        "If your password has not been disabled, based on our investigation, we do not believe your account is at risk."
         LinkedIn can always be a target for data thieves, since it has world class professionals as members in it. There is  always a chance of questioning LinkedIn regarding the security breach, because this act of breaching the site, shows a bit of negligence in the security measures, knowing the fact that it has high class professionals and their data in it.
         However, it is recommended to change your passwords on any website you log into after every few months.
Source: LinkedIn Blog


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