Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Night life...!!

     If its 6 a.m, my brain wakes me up and I carry on with my daily chores. Well, this is good to hear. I do concur with all those who say early rising is good. At the same time getting to bed early in the night is also crucial.
     These days persons in the age group of 18-30 tend to stay late in the night. (I am not a statistician to interpret the age group correctly,it is an approximation made based on the schedule some people I know follow) Even, I am not an exception to this. But why do we stay so late...? 
      I remember, when I was a kid, I used to go to bed by 7:30 P.M. Pretty distinctive. In college, it dragged on to 10:00 P.M. And now, I am a software employee, I sleep but seldom that too at dawn. I personally feel like, there is an affinity for nights from my side. I can work more, I can read more, I can do the things I love for more hours by reducing the time I sleep. 
    With the onset of weekends we get much more excited. we get ebullient. All our lethargy gets lost. 5 days of work has to be complemented with 2 days of enjoyment and ecstatic we are, like never. Who is aloof from enjoying weekends? One should enjoy life, I never abstain myself too and I don't even say that it's not my cup of tea. 
    Some of my acquaintances do work for night shift and say that they have head ache and always stay in a torpor state. I pity them. They can't really quit, it earns bread. Health is being sacrificed for the sake of living,very paradoxical, isn't it? 
    With all these pointed,after all, we all need a happy, healthy life. But, we are going wrong mates. Night life isn't recommended. Our ancestors have set certain rules and we should comply with some, if not all (not all, if we feel that we are more learnt and condescending which is bad, Remember, they were wiser).
    This is productive at present. What after 10 years ? What if, all of us, insomniacs, get some mental disorders ? What about all those who cared for us ? We are educated, we are smart. Let us not be callow. I solemnly ask my readers to have a deep sound sleep at proper times. Lack of sleep hinders your learning capability, your metabolism changes, your body struggles. Your mind wanders. Mind you, sorry, US..!! 
After this thought, I changed my bed in and bed out timings, now its your turn mates..!!


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