Sony said that it will drop the brand name Ericsson from its smartphones in the middle of the coming year. Sony will be buying Ericsson for $1.47 billion. After dropping Ericsson, the brand name for the smartphones will be continued as 'Sony' itself. This decision has been taken only to focus solely on smartphones that are Android based. Sony said:
“A lot of planning goes into getting the branding right but we will be done by middle of next year. It will also mean that the marketing and advertising investments will go up. We haven’t been as fierce as we were a few years back but we will step it up, refocus and invest more in brand-building in select markets and India is one of those markets.”
Sony holds 2% of total smartphone market, as per TOI. Sony said:
“Sony is the world’s biggest entertainment company. We were earlier a 50-50 JV, but now that we are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Corp. We expect to gain from its assets on the content , technology and brand side.”
Besides all this, the process of this change should be smooth, so that we will be able to see the SONY mobile in the middle of 2012.
“A lot of planning goes into getting the branding right but we will be done by middle of next year. It will also mean that the marketing and advertising investments will go up. We haven’t been as fierce as we were a few years back but we will step it up, refocus and invest more in brand-building in select markets and India is one of those markets.”
Sony holds 2% of total smartphone market, as per TOI. Sony said:
“Sony is the world’s biggest entertainment company. We were earlier a 50-50 JV, but now that we are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Corp. We expect to gain from its assets on the content , technology and brand side.”
Besides all this, the process of this change should be smooth, so that we will be able to see the SONY mobile in the middle of 2012.
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