Monday, May 16, 2011

iPhone 4, Apple App store awarded Guinness world Records

                  Apple App store was awarded the prestigious award for providing its users more than 10 billion applications since its launch in July,2008.
                 “The release of the iPhone has not just changed the mobile industry, but the video game world too,”Gaz Deaves, Guinness World Records’ gaming editor, said in a statement. “With the never-ending App Store selection and an intuitive device, Apple has created a gigantic new space for itself in the casual games genre that literally brings entertainment to users wherever they may be.” ,according to PadGadget.

(Source: Google Images)
             Games like Rovio's Angry Birds with 6.5 million copies sold since Dec,2009, Tapulous’s Tap Tap Revenge game series, the most popular game series ever, with over 15 million copies downloaded in about 3 years won a slew of awards.
             iPhone 4 was named as the fastest-selling portable gaming system by Guinness after selling  1.5 million handsets (app.) on the first day it was released on June 24, 2010.


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