Facebook launched video calling powered by Skype,back in July. Now there is a further update to this with the launch of Skype 5.4 Beta for Mac and Skype 5.7 Beta for Windows. This helps in Facebook- Facebook call from Skype itself..i.e; within Skype. Skype is trying hard to remove any obstacles between family, friends by improving its communication network.
The operation is quite simple. All one has to do is to link up his/her Facebook and Skype accounts. Then by selecting a Facebook friend and hitting the Video call button in Skype makes it all. Besides this, new features for Skype 5.4 Beta for Mac and Skype 5.7 Beta for Windows include smoother video experience for Mac users and group screen sharing for Windows. Download the latest version of Skype from here.
Actually today's technology is truly a big help to us, just like skype it help us connect to our love one's closer even if they are miles away..
Jacksonville Electrician
Yes, you are right. Technology has really made our earth smaller.
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