Thursday, May 19, 2011

PC sales dip due to tablets

The drop in the sales percentage of notebooks and desktops of various companies are as follows HP -- 23 percent in the last quarter, Dell --7 percent, and Acer--16 percent.This is due to the boost of tablets,that too esp. from iPads.
This clearly shows that tablets have the potential to replace PCs.
"Consumers who might have bought a new PC and thought, 'My current PC is good enough,' will buy a tablet or another device. Whereas before it would have been an additional PC purchase," said Michael Gartenberg, analyst with Gartner.
Well, with tablets you can't expect everything that you get from your PC. You can't play highly graphic advanced multiplayer video games or such ease in  accomplishing things is not nearly possible with the present tablets.
For many people that's good enough for most days, but not every day.A recent survey by mobile ad network AdMob found that among 1,430 tablet owners interviewed, 77 percent said once they bought one, use of their primary PC dropped. Not disappeared entirely, but was just less frequent--Cnet
Tablets are "clearly a factor on the consumer side, but it's early in that game," said CFO Brian Gladden on a call with reporters yesterday. "It's a net-additive device to the whole market."
But for Dell, the consumer market while it's important, isn't as crucial to its overall business, something Gladden pointed out.
"We'll continue to watch it," Gladden said. "But I'll tell you, in the grand scale of the size of the PC market,tablets are still very small."

Source: Cnet


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